Strategic Priorities Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Town Hall
Council Present
  • Mayor Strathdee
  • Councillor Osborne
  • Councillor Van Galen
  • Councillor Winter
  • Councillor Pope
  • Councillor Hainer
  • Councillor Craigmile
Staff Present
  • Brent Kittmer, CAO / Clerk
  • Trisha McKibbin, Director of Corporate Services / Deputy Clerk
  • Stephanie Ische, Director of Community Services
  • Jed Kelly, Director of Public Works
  • Jenna McCartney, Corporate Administrative Coordinator

Chair Strathdee called the meeting to order at 9:00am.

Councillor Winter arrived at 9:01am.

    Moved By:Councillor Hainer
    Seconded By:Councillor Craigmile

    THAT the March 20, 2018 Strategic Priorities Committee agenda be accepted as presented.

    Moved By:Councillor Craigmile
    Seconded By:Councillor Hainer

    THAT the correspondence from the Staffen Family regarding the Recreation and Leisure Services Master Plan be received.


Stephanie Ische introduced Todd Brown of Monteith Brown Planning Consultants.

Ms. Ische spoke to DCS 05-2018 report.

Councillor Pope arrived at 9:04am.

Mr. Brown reviewed the power point presentation.

The key topics of discussion include:

  • Clarification was provided that the future library service needs were not included within the Recreation and Leisure Services Master Plan due to pre-existing plans having been completed by the Library.
  • Confirmation was provided that the Library Facility and Space Needs Assessment has not been adopted by the Library Board nor has it been adopted by the Town of St. Marys Council.
  • Preliminary work has been completed to break down cost centers and to better understand operating costs at the PRC.
  • Council will be presented with a recreation cost recovery policy as part of the implementation of the master plan's recommendations. In addition to costing, there will be changes to the budget process related to the presentation of debt retirement costs in the 2019 draft budget.
  • There are many ways in which a recreation advisory committee may be appointed. While the committee does not need to have a representative from all recreation and leisure organizations of St. Marys, the committee should be community focused, understanding current trends and make recommendations to Council on how to respond to the trends.
  • The Committee discussed the marketing plan involving utilization of services between the Aquatic Centre and the YMCA. The marketing plan will be released in the near future.
  • Parkland naturalization was reviewed. More details will be coming forward in the future.
  • Partnerships and their benefits were discussed. It was identified that financial efficiencies are not the sole benefit of partnerships. Improving service delivery of programs and enhanced opportunities for fundraising were noted as valuable resources.
  • Business plan models were discussed including costs and fees. Staff will report back in the future on proposed fees and elaborate on the opportunities and weaknesses of resident vs. non-resident fees.

Brent Kittmer stated that staff have begun to incorporate some of the key recommendations into current topics. For instance the discussion related to the development within the north ward and how parkland and trails will be presented has been considered.

The Committee adjourned at 10:15am.

Chair Strathdee called the meeting back to order at am.

  • Resolution2018-03-20-03
    Moved By:Councillor Van Galen
    Seconded By:Councillor Osborne

    THAT DCS 05-2018 Recreation and Leisure Services Master Plan be received; and

    THAT the Strategic Priorities Committee recommend to Council:

    THAT the draft Recreation and Leisure Plan be adopted as presented.


Jed Kelly and Morgan Dykstra spoke to PW 10-2018 report and responded to questions from the Committee.

The consensus of the Committee is:

The acknowledgement on the sign of the baseball organization in St. Marys be referred to by its legal name; Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. And further, that the by-law be amended to include the legal name as well.

In the event of blank spaces on the sign, the Town has the opportunity to market specific tourism attractions in St. Marys including but not limited to the Pyramid Recreation Centre, the Quarry, and the Water Tower.

  • Resolution2018-03-20-04
    Moved By:Councillor Hainer
    Seconded By:Councillor Pope

    THAT PW 10-2018 Service Club Sign By-Law be received; and

    THAT the Strategic Priorities Committee approve the proposed sign structure design and quotation from Signs Ontario;

    AND THAT the Strategic Priorities Committee recommend to Council:

    THAT the proposed Service Club Sign By-law be approved.


Trisha McKibbin spoke to COR 07-2018 report and responded to questions from the Committee.

The Committee came to the consensus on the following matter:

  • That the policy should be amended to include that staff from the senior leadership team may be able to review the video record if a need arises.

Staff were directed to investigate the legislative requirements of the municipality should a police service request surveillance records for the purpose of generating public feedback about identifiable individuals.

  • Resolution2018-03-20-05
    Moved By:Councillor Winter
    Seconded By:Councillor Osborne

    THAT COR 07-2018 Video Surveillance Policy report be received; and

    THAT the Strategic Priorities Committee recommends to Council:

    THAT the draft Municipal Video Surveillance Policy be approved.


Mayor Strathdee reviewed the upcoming April meeting as presented on the agenda.

Brent Kittmer elaborated on the discussion points of the UTRCA Flood Management presentation.

    Moved By:Councillor Osborne
    Seconded By:Councillor Craigmile

    THAT this meeting of the Strategic Priorities Committee adjourn at 11:08am.

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