Strategic Priorities Committee

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Town Hall


    THAT the May 15, 2018 Strategic Priorities Committee agenda be accepted as presented.


    THAT CAO 16-2018 regarding the request from the St. Marys Farmers’ Market Association for a permanent washroom / storage facility be received for discussion.


    THAT DCS 10- 2018 Care Coordination Agreement report be received for discussion; and

    THAT Strategic Priorities Committee recommend to Council:

    THAT the Care Coordination Agreement be approved, subject to insurance provision being satisfied; and

    THAT the Mayor and the Clerk are authorized to sign the associated agreements.


    THAT DEV 20-2018 Sign By-law Update be received; and,

    THAT Staff bring the draft by-law forward to Council with the changes as discussed.

M. Stone will arrive at 10:30am to present.


    THAT DEV 21-2018 regarding Affordable Housing in St. Marys be received; and,

    THAT the Strategic Priorities Committee recommend to Council that the Town:

    1. Initiate a Town-wide amendment to the Zoning By-law to permit secondary units in single detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings subject to specific provisions to regulate potential issues such as parking;
    2. Engage in discussions with the development industry with respect to opportunities and potential issues related to implementing inclusionary zoning in St. Marys;
    3. Explore opportunities for pre-zoning certain lands for affordable housing following completion of the Official Plan review;
    4. Consider alternative development standards, following completion of the Official Plan review, through an update to the Town’s Zoning By-law;
    5. Support the recommendations of the Official Plan review to consider options to permit standalone residential uses (e.g. low-rise apartment buildings) in the periphery parts of the Central Commercial area, provided such uses do not impact the primary commercial, service and tourism function of the downtown;
    6. Staff report back on the financial implications of:
      1. Proposed development charges discounts for new multi residential units constructed for a sale price of $265,650 or rentals of approximately $850 per month.
      2. Amending the multi-residential tax ratio from 1.1 to 1.0 for newly constructed rental apartments of 7 or more units
    7. Continue to provide land for affordable housing through the sale or leasing of surplus or underutilized municipally owned land, and consider maintaining a publicly accessible database to assist potential developers seeking to construct affordable housing and tenants seeking affordable housing vacancies.

May 28, 2018 - 9:00am, Council Chambers

Planned Topics: Serviced Industrial Land Strategy Discussion

June 19, 2018 - 9:00am, Council Chambers

Planned Topics: Draft Council Code of Conduct, PRC Business Plan, Staff Salary Service Review


    THAT this meeting of the Strategic Priorities Committee adjourn at ______ pm.