Regular Council

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Town Hall
Council Present
  • Mayor Strathdee
  • Councillor Osborne
  • Councillor Van Galen
  • Councillor Winter
  • Councillor Craigmile
Council Regrets
  • Councillor Pope
  • Councillor Hainer
Staff Present
  • Brent Kittmer, CAO / Clerk
  • Grant Brouwer, Director of Building and Development
  • Jim Brown, DIrector of Finance
  • Jed Kelly, Director of Public Works
  • Jenna McCartney, Corporate Administrative Coordinator
  • Jeff Wolfe, Asset Management and Engineering Specialist

Mayor Strathdee called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.

Mayor Strathdee explained that the prepared dates for passing by-law 90-2017 were recorded incorrectly and should read October 10, 2017.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-01
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT the October 10, 2017 regular Council agenda be accepted as amended.


Mr. Belanger inquired about the cost of open air burn permits and the duration of the permit.

Mayor Strathdee stated that the permit cost would remain at $25. Staff will follow-up with Mr. Belanger regarding the validity period of the permit.

Jennifer Smale, 267 James Street South, inquired about the proposed plans for James Street South residential construction.

Mr. Grant Brouwer stated a demolition permit had been issued to the owner of 275 James Street South. A Site Plan Agreement has been issued for 201 James Street South.

Mr. Brouwer stated he would follow up with Ms. Smale regarding the particulars of the developments.

Tracy Van Kalsbeek of Stratford Perth Community Foundation spoke to the Smart and Caring Fund Update and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-02
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Winter

    THAT the presentation from Tracy Van Kalsbeek and Roxy Rae of Stratford Perth Community Foundation regarding the Smart and Caring fund update be received.


Mayor Strathdee stated "This meeting is being held with respect to the Town of St. Marys’ Official Plan review and update in accordance with Section 26 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990.

Ontario’s Planning Act requires municipalities to conduct an Official Plan review every five years to ensure it conforms with or does not conflict with provincial plans, has regard to matters of provincial interest, and is consistent with provincial policy statements.

The purpose of this meeting is to solicit the public’s comments and input on what should be reviewed and updated in the Official Plan.

Anyone wishing to address Council with respect to the Official Plan review and update will be given an opportunity to do so at this meeting. You may also provide written comments to Council and there will also be a number of other opportunities to participate in this process.

I will now ask Mr. Kittmer to advise how notice was given and read the responses received in reply to the notice."

CAO / Clerk Brent Kittmer stated "In accordance with Section 26(4) of the Planning Act, notice of this meeting was published in the:

  •  St. Marys Independent on Friday, September 1st
  • St. Marys Journal Argus on Wednesday, September 6th

In response to these notices, the following correspondence was received:

  1. Henry Monteith – comments include:
  • The Official Plan should further protect, preserve and conserve heritage, historically significant and well established neighbourhoods
  • Heritage streetscapes and areas could be better identified and protected
  • Refers to policies in the City of Stratford Official Plan regarding heritage conservation and proposes the establishment of a similar heritage area in St. Marys
  • Refers to policies in the Stratford Official Plan regarding major redevelopment sites and stable residential areas
  • Refers to policies in the City of Woodstock Official Plan regarding infilling in well established residential neighbourhoods

2. Mike Hensel regarding 555 Emily Street North – comments include:

  • Property currently designated Agricultural and located outside of Town Settlement Area
  • Object to continuation of Agricultural designation
  • May seek consideration for adjustment to Settlement Area boundary to include this property and redesignate the property to Residential."

Planner Mark Stone presented the Official Plan Review to Council.

Mayor Strathdee called upon the public to address their questions to Council at this time.

Mr. Norm Belanger, #23-25 Thames Road, RR1 St. Marys ncobelanger@yahoo.ca cited that he had made a presentation to Council on September 22, 2015 regarding the Blue Dot Movement at which time he asked Council to declare their commitment to the health concerns for the citizens of St. Marys. Mr. Belanger stated that Council has not declared their commitment to these concerns.

Mr. Belanger went further to ask Council to consider land use designation within the central commercial areas due to concerns of commercial properties being situated beside residential properties and the health concerns this may cause.

Mr. Belanger finished his correspondence with Council by reiterating his hope that Council would consider the Blue Dot Movement for the benefit of the residents of St. Marys.

Mr. Thomas Kimber, 189 Elizabeth Street, stated he has been in St. Marys for two years. Mr. Kimber is recommends making St. Marys a more resident friendly community. Setting, measuring and enforcing strict air quality standards should be made a requirement for all commercial businesses.

Mr. Kimber went on to state that Council should consider installing pedestrian crossing walk signals to make St. Marys a more pedestrian friendly town. Specific locations included:

  • James Street crossing Queen Street
  • Church Street North crossing Station Street
  • Park Street at the River Walk Way
  • Crossing James Street South to access the high school and the Pyramid Recreation Centre
  • Church Street South crossing Park Street

Mr. Rob Staffen, owner of St. Marys Golf and Country Club, commended Council on the exciting changes that are being seen in the community and stated that there seems to be a positive path that Council is working to achieve. There appears to be opportunities for community feedback regarding growth with is enlightening.

Mr. Staffen stated that bike lanes for the safety of riders would be an asset to the community. The bike lanes could be tied in with existing trails.

Mr. Staffen stated his concerns about Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) in reference to requiring a long term plan of the Authority. Council needs to get people living downtown to be able to grow the economy. There need to be less restrictions imposed on building within the downtown core as evidenced in many European cities found to be along major waterways that have embraced development. If the Town would focus on a longer term of planning rather than five years, it could focus on getting people into the downtown core.

Councillor Van Galen responded to Mr. Staffen and cited that this is a 5 year review of the Official Plan rather than a 5 year plan.

Mr. Kimber readdressed Council by stating that a standardized speed limit within the town of 40 km/h would provide increased safety to pedestrians.

Mr. Kimber closed with a statement that Council should consider expanding the yard waste self-use depot at the Municipal Operations Centre to accept organic waste.

Mr. Belanger readdressed Council and stated that based on his experience of living in an adult focused community that embraces seniors he has noticed the trail between Thames Street to Ingersoll Street is not senior friendly. The path could benefit from the placement of benches to provide resting locations.

Mayor Strathdee thanked those in attendance and those providing comments to the Official Plan Review. Mayor Strathdee stated that all comments received during the public meeting or at subsequent public sessions will be considered by the Town in the review and update of the Town's Official Plan.

Council took a brief recess between the adjournment of the Public Meeting and reconvening the regular Council meeting.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-03
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Osborne

    THAT the October 10, 2017 regular Council meeting be adjourned at 6:20pm to hold a statutory public meeting as required under the Planning Act.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-04
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Osborne

    THAT a Public Meeting to collect public comments for the Official Plan Review be opened at 6:21pm.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-05
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT this Public Meeting be adjourned at 6:56pm.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-06
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT the October 10, 2017 regular Council meeting reconvene at 7:05pm.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-07
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Winter

    THAT the September 26, 2017 regular Council meeting minutes be approved and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-08
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Van Galen

    THAT the September 28, 2017 special meeting of Council meeting minutes be approved and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-09
    Moved ByCouncillor Winter
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT the correspondence from Stratford Perth Community Foundation regarding Random Act of Kindness Day be received; and,

    THAT Council proclaim November 3, 2017 as Random Act of Kindness Day.


Jim Brown spoke to FIN 20-2017 report and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-10
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Osborne

    THAT the Town of St. Marys makes an application to Infrastructure Ontario for an amount of $1,080,500 to finance the replacement of the Wellington Street Bridge with a term of 15 years; and,

    THAT By-Law 89-2017 authorizing the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation for financing be approved.


Jenna McCartney, in Fire Chief Anderson's absence, spoke to FD 14-2017 report and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-11
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Osborne

    THAT FD 14-2017 Open Air Burning By-law report be received, and

    THAT By-law 90-2017, to regulate the setting of open air fires, including establishing the times during which open air fires may be set, and to repeal By-law 17-2012 and all amendments thereto be approved.


Jeff Wolfe spoke to PW 54-2017 report and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-12
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Osborne

    THAT PW 54-2017 Floodwall Repairs Project Update report be received for information.


Councillor Craigmile spoke to the minutes and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-13
    Moved ByCouncillor Winter
    Seconded ByCouncillor Osborne

    THAT the September 21, 2017 Bluewater Recycling Association Board of Directors meeting highlights be received.


Councillors Osborne and Winter spoke to the recent meeting of the Board of which minutes will be provided shortly.

Councillor Winter spoke to the recent meeting of the Committee and responded to questions from Council.

Councillor Osborne spoke to the recent minutes of the Health Unit of which the minutes will be forth coming.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-14
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Winter

    THAT the June 21, 2017 Perth District Health Unit Board meeting minutes be received; and,

    THAT the September 20, 2017 Perth District Health Unit Board meeting agenda be received.


Councillor Van Galen spoke to the minutes of the Board and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-15
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Van Galen

    THAT the September 20, 2017 Police Services Board meeting draft minutes be received.


Councillor Van Galen spoke to the minutes of the Board and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-16
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT the May 17, 2017 Spruce Lodge Board of Management meeting minutes be received; and,

    THAT the June 21, 2017 Spruce Lodge Board of Management meeting minutes be received.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-17
    Moved ByCouncillor Winter
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT the August 22, 2017 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Board of Directors' meeting minutes be received.


Councillor Craigmile cited that he has already provided a verbal report of the attached minutes.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-18
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Osborne

    THAT the August 30, 2017 Accessibility Advisory Committee regular meeting minutes be received.


Brent Kittmer stated that a report is forth coming from staff related to the BIA's request that parking stalls be vacant during the 2017 Christmas parade.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-19
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT the August 15, 2017 Business Improvement Area Board meeting minutes be received.


Mayor Strathdee updated Council that the Site Plan Agreement for the planned Archives addition is going before staff for review at the present time.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-20
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Winter

    THAT the August 25, 2017 Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum Board meeting minutes be received.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-21
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Winter

    THAT the October 4, 2017 Committee of Adjustment meeting draft minutes be received.


Brent Kittmer provided an update of the Committee as presented in the minutes.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-22
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Van Galen

    THAT the October 2, 2017 Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting draft minutes be accepted.


Mayor Strathdee provided an update of the recent Committee meeting.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-23
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Van Galen

    THAT the September 9, 2017 Heritage St. Marys meeting minutes be received.


Councillor Winter spoke to the minutes of the recent Board meeting and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-24
    Moved ByCouncillor Winter
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT the August 10, 2017 St. Marys Museum Board meeting minutes be received; and,

    THAT the September 14, 2017 St. Marys Museum Board meeting draft minutes be received.


Councillor Winter stated that the Committee will be meeting next week.

Councillor Craigmile provided a brief update of the Board and responded to questions from Council.

Councillor Craigmile provided a brief update and responded to questions from Council.

Councillor Craigmile provided a brief update and responded to questions from Council.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-25
    Moved ByCouncillor Osborne
    Seconded ByCouncillor Winter

    THAT the August 15, 2017 St. Marys Cement Community Liaison Committee meeting minutes be received.


Mayor Strathdee reminded Council that the 'Someone I Know' campaign is unveiling the donor wall this Thursday night at the PRC. Invitations for Council members have been distributed.

Nothing at this time.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-26
    Moved ByCouncillor Osborne
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT By-Law 89-2017, being a by-law to authorize the submission of an application to Infrastructure Ontario and Lands Corporation be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-27
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Winter

    THAT By-Law 90-2017, being a by-law to regulate open air burning and to repeal By-Law 17-2017 and all amendments thereto, be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


Mayor Strathdee reviewed the upcoming meetings as presented in the agenda.

Mayor Strathdee provided his regrets for October 17.

Councillor Winter provided his regrets for October 17 and 24.

None held.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-28
    Moved ByCouncillor Van Galen
    Seconded ByCouncillor Craigmile

    THAT By-Law 91-2017, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the October 10, 2017 regular Council meeting be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.

  • Resolution2017-10-10-29
    Moved ByCouncillor Craigmile
    Seconded ByCouncillor Van Galen

    That this regular meeting of Council adjourn at 8:15pm.

No Item Selected