Regular Council Meeting

Meeting #:
Council Chambers, Town Hall


    THAT the March 13, 2018 regular Council meeting agenda be accepted as presented.

(Information provided during the Public Input Period shall be directed by the public to Council members and shall deal with matters specific to Agenda business. A maximum of two (2) minutes per person is allotted for questions, and the maximum time allotted for the Public Input Period as a whole is ten (10) minutes)

Please refer to Staff report COR 06-2018 St. Marys Kinsmen Summerfest Noise By-law Exemption for further information to this delegation.

Please refer to Staff reports PW 12-2018 and PW 13-2018 for further information to these reports.

Operational Reports to be appended to this agenda as a supplemental document.


    THAT the presentation by the Ontario Clean Water Agency be received.


    THAT the correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding the proclamation of Bill 139 be received.


    THAT the correspondence from The Corporation of the Township of Perth South regarding funding assistance request be received; and

    THAT Council responds to the request from Perth South with a letter seeking clarification on the level of support requested by Perth South Council for the Road 125 upgrades.


    THAT Council receive report PW 12-2018 regarding the annual summary report of the drinking water system as information; and,

    THAT Council acknowledge receipt of the 2017 annual summary report for the Town of St. Marys Water Supply and Distribution system in the form of a resolution.


    THAT report PW 13-2018, Summary Report for the Wastewater System be received for information.


    THAT PW 15-2018 Award for RFP-PW-02-2018 a Multi-Purpose Sidewalk Tractor be received; and,

    THAT the procurement for RFP-PW-02-2018 be awarded to Work Equipment Ltd. for the procured price of $164,641.00 inclusive of all taxes and contingencies; and,

    THAT Council approves the unbudgeted amount of and funding structure as identified in PW 15-2018 report; and,

    THAT Council approves $30,015 funding allocation from Development Charge Reserve, and,

    THAT By-Law 26-2018 authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the associated agreement be approved.


    THAT CAO 09-2018 regarding the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2018 River Rock Festival be received; and

    THAT Council declares the 2018 River Rock Festival an “Event of Municipal Significance”; and

    THAT Council provides a Noise By-Law exemption for the 2018 River Rock Festival for August 10, 2018 and August 11, 2018; and

    THAT Council adopts by-law 24-2018 authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the MOU for the 2018 River Rock Festival.


    THAT CAO 10-2018 Lame Duck Council report be received; and

    THAT By-Law 25-2018, being a by-law to delegation authority to staff in the event of a lame duck council following Nomination Day be approved.


    THAT COR 06-2018 St. Marys Kinsmen Summerfest Noise By-law Exemption report be received; and

    THAT Council declares Summerfest to be municipally significant in the Town of St. Marys from July 26, 2018 until July 28, 2018; and

    THAT Council grant an exemption of the Noise By-law, under Section 6, to the applicant, St. Marys Kinsmen Club at Milt Dunnell Park, for the purpose of Summerfest until the time of 1:00am on July 27, 28 and 29, 2018; and

    THAT Council grant exclusive use of Milt Dunnell Park to the St. Marys Kinsmen Club between July 23 and August 1 for the purpose of setting up, running and taking down for Summerfest.


    THAT Report FIN 06-2018 Budget, Tax Ratios and Tax Rates be received; and

    THAT the Tax Ratios as per By-law 22-2018 and being unchanged from the prior year, with the exception of the creation of the new landfill class, be approved; and

    THAT the 2018 Operating and Capital Budget summarized in Schedule A to By-law 23-2018 resulting in an estimated tax levy of $11,812,540, total expenditure plan for capital of $6,805,000 per Schedule B be approved; and Tax Rates as per Schedule C be approved.


    THAT DEV 07-2018 Site Plan Agreement, 515 James Street South, Stinnissen Enterprises Limited be received; and

    THAT Council authorize the Mayor and the Clerk on behalf of the Town of St. Marys to enter into a Site Plan Agreement between the Town of St. Marys and Stinnissen Enterprises Limited; and

    THAT By-Law 28-2018 authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign a site plan agreement be approved.


    THAT DEV 08-2018 Cadzow Pavilion and Performing Arts Stage be received; and,

    THAT, in accordance with Section 9.1(b)(v) of the Town’s Procurement By-law, Council authorizes a sole source procurement for Cadzow Pavilion and Performing Arts Stage to IntegriBuild Construction Management Inc. for the procured price of $151,213.78, inclusive of all taxes and contingencies; and,

    THAT subject to the requirements of the Procurement By-law, staff be authorized to approve any necessary contingencies during the construction of the Pavilion project up to, but not exceeding, the 2018 approved amount of $175, 000.00: and,

    THAT By-Law 27-2018 authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the associated agreement be approved.


    THAT DEV 09-2018 Application for ZBA (Z06-2017) Rick Murphy Holdings Ltd. for 121 Ontario Street South be received; and

    THAT Council enact Zoning By-law Z125-2018 for 121 Ontario Street South.


    THAT the February 18, 2018 Bluewater Recycling Association Board of Director highlights be received.


    THAT the January 4, 2018 St. Marys Public Library Board meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the January 17, 2018 Perth District Health Unit Board minutes be received; and

    THAT the February 21, 2018 Perth District Health Unit Board agenda content be received.


    THAT the December 20, 2017 Spruce Lodge Board of Management meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the January 23, 2018 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Board of Directors meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the February 15, 2018 Accessibility Advisory Committee special meeting draft minutes be received.


    THAT the January 8, 2018 Business Improvement Area Board meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the February 21, 2018 Community Policing Advisory Committee meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the February 20, 2018 Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the December 9, 2017 Heritage St. Marys meeting minutes be received; and

    THAT the January 13, 2018 Heritage St. Marys meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the February 21, 2018 St. Marys Museum Board meeting unapproved minutes be received.


    THAT the February 5, 2018 Planning Advisory Committee meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the January 15, 2018 Heritage Conservation District Advisory Committee meeting minutes be received; and

    THAT the February 12, 2018 Heritage Conservation District Advisory Committee meeting minutes be received.


    THAT the February 20, 2018 Senior Services Board meeting minutes be received.

The following motion will be considered by Council at its regular Council meeting on March 27, 2018.


    THAT staff be directed to develop a terms of reference for a Green Committee. The committee will be appointed after the 2018 election and the mandate of the committee will be to advise Council on "green" initiatives, ecological matters, trails, the preservation of nature and other initiatives.


    THAT By-Law 22-2018, being a by-law to set the tax ratios for 2018, be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


    THAT By-Law 23-2018, being a by-law to set the tax levy for 2018 be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


    THAT By-Law 24-2018, being a by-law to authorize a memorandum of understanding with Sean Camp for River Rock Festival be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


    THAT By-Law 25-2018, being a by-law to delegation power during a lame duck Council period be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


    THAT By-Law 26-2018, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Work Equipment Ltd. be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk.


    THAT By-Law 27-2018, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with IntegriBuild Construction Management Inc. be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


    THAT  By-Law 28-2018, being a by-law to authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign a site plan agreement with Stinnissen Enterprises Ltd. be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


    THAT By-Law Z125-2018, being a by-law to amend the zoning of Lots 14-20, west side of Thomas Street, Lots 16-20, east side of Ontario Street, Registered Plan 235, 121 Ontario Street South, be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.

March 20, 2018 - 9:00am, Strategic Priorities Committee, Council Chambers

March 27, 2018 - 6:00pm, Regular Council, Council Chambers


    THAT By-Law 29-2018, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of March 13, 2018 regular Council meeting, be read a first, second and third time; and be finally passed and signed and sealed by the Mayor and the Clerk.


    THAT this regular meeting of Council adjourn at ______ p.m.

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